Strategic partnership with leading companies on the children's market
Representatives of leading brands of children's merchandise regularly conduct training seminars and presentations for RedHead employees. Meetings take place both at the main office and at the branches. Thanks to such interaction it is possible to maintain a high level of expert knowledge on merchandise in each of the subdivisions of RedHead distribution.
Leading companies also invite RedHead sales specialists to the home countries of famous brands for informational visits and training programmes. Being in the country where a brand is manufactured and learning about its history gives one a better understanding of its unique characteristics.
In addition, RedHead's directors and managers visit international events and forums organized by the corporation's partners.
Over the last years, RedHead representatives visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Finland, Iceland, and the Dominican Republic on the invitation of Baby-Nova, Hamé, Kolinska (Bebi), Nestlé and Raisio.
RedHead has strong, longstanding relationships with some domestic and foreign companies on the level of the owners. Vladislav Burda's friendships with the owners and CEOs of such companies as Nestlé, Bebi, Hamé, Bübchen, and Pali have become the foundation of strategic partnerships.