The 12 principles of the RedHead team

The key ideas and values which stand out in RedHead's employees have been formulated by Vladislav Burda into 12 principles.

This mini-constitution of the corporation is the foundation for making any decisions related to activities in the company.

'The main principles of the RedHead team have been placed in one of the rooms of the corporate museum and are written on the business cards of the company's managers.

Aim high. Lead by example.
Deliver what you promised. And better on time!
Exceed expectations, do a little more.
Be responsible for your own health (mental and physical).
Balance effectiveness and efficiency. Be intolerant to waste of resources (yours, company's and society's).
Be responsible to have right people in your team. The best people are needed for the best strategies.
Support transparency
and accountability on all levels.
Be authentic. Find your own way. Do what you can do best and what is natural for you.
Move company to Prime by developing yourself.
Nurture mutual trust and respect around you.
Break down bureaucracy and barriers between people; don't build them.
Show real care for those we serve.

Corporate identity

A «RedHead» is a head in which the most innovative and creative ideas are born.

The foundation of the business and the strategy of the corporation are that of a family business. This advantage, set out in the name of the company, is unique for Ukraine.

A redhead is different from others. That means
he has his own special path. In addition, red is
a lucky colour for the company. And red-headed Antoshka has already proven that.

The annual meeting

RedHead's year-end meeting is dedicated to rewarding the best employees for the most effective results during the year and for outstanding achievements in the company.

The President of RedHead strongly believes that the annual meeting, first and foremost, gives the management the chance to express their appreciation and gratitude to employees who excel.

This tradition has been in existence since 2001. After the ceremony in the central office, year-end meetings are held in the company's branches and departments.

The highest award in the RedHead Corporation, the "sunshine" statuette, is awarded to those who have demonstrated their best qualities throughout the year with maximum benefit for the whole company.

Клышкань Светлана Klyshkan Svetlana
Лях Ирина Lyah Iryna
Иваненко Татьяна Ivanenko Tatyana
Бебешко Анна Bebeshko Anna
Муаллем Анна Muallem Anna
Кесь Андрей Kes Andrey
Костюк Ольга Kostyuk Olga
Пятиков Игорь Pyatikov Igor
Бабич Лилия Bogdanova Liliya Key Account Manager, Odessa
Ковалик Татьяна Kovalik Tatyana
Казимир Дмитрий Kazimir Dmitry
Светлана Чумакова Svetlana Chumakova
Winners of the 'Highest Awards' for the results of 2018

Corporate magazine

The company's first corporate publication was a black-and-white 4-page newspaper. The first issue was dedicated to the results of 2001 and was distributed among employees at the corporate New Year’s party.

Now the illustrated corporate magazine comes out simultaneously in two languages - Russian and English. Each issue presents an assessment of key events in the company from the viewpoint of the President and top management, tendencies in the development of the business areas of the corporation, trends in the children's merchandise and entertainment market, and think pieces on family business.

The RedHead corporate magazine has repeatedly won the award of the Association of Corporate Media of Ukraine.